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Having fun, writing about the stuff I like

Being Human: Talking

Oscar Foulkes September 19, 2018 Adventures of Re- No comments
I’ve done some ridiculous things.

I can say this with authority, without even including on the list the time I tried to cook a whole egg in a microwave. Did I mention that I tried three times in succession, cleaning exploded bits of egg from all corners of the inside of the microwave after each attempt?

I’m going to put ‘preparing a talk’ onto my list of ridiculousness. Given that I’m never certain what sound will come out of my mouth before I start speaking, or – indeed – if any sound will emerge, doing a presentation to a group of people might not seem like a sensible first choice.

And yet, the twists and turns that have brought me to this point have left me with learnings and insights that I feel the need to share.

My talk is entitled Magic in Process. Superficially, it’s about cancer and feats of endurance, but it’s really about resilience in the face of adversity, overcoming challenges, and the simple actions that enable us to achieve our objectives.

The talk is constructed in such a way that it’s possible to tailor it to specific audiences. Given some of the subject matter, it might be useful for people looking for ways to resist the call of the couch (i.e. to be more physically active), or perhaps interested in different perspectives on dealing with the difficulties we experience on a daily basis.

I’m looking for speaking opportunities – if you have a ‘platform’, or know of one, I’d appreciate the opportunity to share the fruits of my journey.

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