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Having fun, writing about the stuff I like

Struggling with Nokia Music

Oscar Foulkes November 19, 2009 Uncategorized No comments

I commented several months ago (here) about South Africans’ non-access to iTunes and Amazon downloads. At last, in the form of Nokia Music, I thought, we had a solution.

Despite my disgust at them charging R10 per track, which implies a USDZAR rate of 10:1 instead of something around 7.50:1, I bought R300 worth of credits and downloaded a few tracks.

All fine, except that I then couldn’t transfer them to my Nokia XpressMusic 5310. Despite the valiant efforts of Hicham in the local Nokia customer service (he really has tried very hard) those tracks are still sitting on my laptop.

Along the way we’ve established that the Nokia 5310 appears to have a compatibility issue with Nokia Music, which I would regard as being more than a little embarrassing for the company. The newer Nokia 5800 works just fine, but why should I buy a new phone?

I now await the outcome of the techies’ efforts. I’m not hopeful of a positive outcome, but at least I’ve only tied up R300, which I’m feeling confident would be refunded to me in the case of total failure.

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